
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, June 5, 2015

Day 2181

Ahh, good to be..."

@ Toxichouse? Spent the night working, was really nice to be in a welcoming environment. peeps were THRILLED I was there, pissed I'd been away. Nice.

Got back, my stuff in the den again vandalized.

I don't blame Stoney. He does the best he can, always. I trust him implicitly. What hurts is his belief that I'm the bad guy, really.

1)There is no bad guy

2)Irony: I'm not supposed to touch a THING in the place, yet others can destroy my belongings, vandlize my belongings, and generally tred on my turf.

3)More Irony: He really is an outstanding person who, unfortunately, believes what his mother tells him. If he could think for himself he'd see I'm always there for him and love him to pieces. Likewise, I love his mother, but the female residing @ Toxichouse is not that person. There lies an angry individual who takes Its frustrations out on the individual who-with It-bore the world a wonderful son.

I'm ok. Thank God for Al-Anon.

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