
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day 2201

Yes, that was inappropriate

So, got called by the Funeral Director yesterday asking "who are these people and what meds are they NOT on?" Today, more drama.

Turns out, there's a mole in my AA meetings. Someone has been misinforming Stoney, re: what I'd purportedly shared. Good boundaries there eh?

Better. NOW it turns out, Stoney made independent arrangements. Not an entirely bad thing, he has balls, gotta respect him. Problem is: not his job. Fuck it, he did what he hadda do, props to him!

Next time I go to a funeral, note to self: my input is NOT welcome re: arrangements.

People seem to forget they need to FUCKOFF re: their opinions.

This am, I ran. I'm good.

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