
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 2185


Yin: had a great day, ran/worked. Got in, all quiet @ Toxichouse. It sleeping, thank you GOD. Impossible to have negative shit thrown at ya.

Went upstairs, Stoney hangin'. Actually got the chance to-though briefly-speak with him. This felt as wonderful as the first drop of water a guy gets coming outta the desert.

REALLY a great person, though I pray he one day sees how his mother brainwashed him.

But that's for another time.

Bottom line: was GREAT to get to sleep with ZERO negativity.

All that changed in the am, of course. Predawn, Bitch breaking my balls: where are you going," really? Get interrogated re: every fucking step you take in your own home. PLEASE shutthefuckup! I literally can't take a step without negative shit. Yet, It can do as it pleases, no filter/no boundaries. Take your meds.

Thank you Stoney, I really love talking to you, and pray you know I'm always there for you. You're a great person.

This am, got my miles, bumped into one of the trainers. Made my fucking day, told me "yep, you're skinny." Thank you GOD!

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