
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day 2182


Spent the night working. Felt really, good, but couldn't really rest. The knowledge that my home is not my home, that everyone can do whatever they want to my treasured mementos (marathon medals, etc...) hurts. You'd think these things would be examples of fortitude and accomplishment, rather than objects of scorn.

Remember when Stoney FREAKED that I (gasp) threw out a bag discarded on his floor? Yet he can take my stuff and throw it where he pleases. Make that make sense?

Problem is: no respect for boundaries.

I respect the HELL outta him. He's REALLY a great human. But, again, he believes what he's been told. Pity.

He doesn't see I break my balls to assure he has a home.

In return? I get shit on.

Keep on keepin' on, it's what I do.

And again, yes, I'd marry It again. If I hadda do it all over, I certainly would.

The person I married is the best human I've ever met. My son is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Unfortunately, shit happened.

So it goes.

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