
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 2188

Make THAT make sense:

Come in, again, my belongings vandalized. Stoney sleeping in my bed.

1)I'm told to stay out of Stoney's room, after (GASP) throwing out a discarded bag lying on the ground. But it's ok for him to take over my space. Who IS the parent? ZERO respect for boundaries. I come in yesterday, he's sleeping in my bed!!!

2)First, all my stuff is thrown to the ground, then I'm told to move it to the den, then what I move to the den is fucked with.

3)It seems to have a penchant for door abuse. the front screen door? A shambles. The back screen door: a shambles. The garage door? A shambles. The gate (for which I paid ALOT to fix, after IT left it open before superstorm Sandy)? A shambles. Seems It is REALLY good @ destruction. Yet bitches incessantly. Try taking care of your home. Don't let it resemble your vehicles. (and that crap in from of the closet, that's been on the floor for months????????).


...but I need counseling..............................................

Got over 300 hits on the Youtube page. 75% commenting on the footage of the vandalizing of my space and belongings. Especially the footage of the distance between the living room and side door, as opposed to the living room and the back door. NO ONE can understand why It insists on using the den as Grand Central. The same 75% commenting on obvious acting out behavior. Why? I can't understand.

I respect the hell outta Stoney and Sybil, despite their behavior. Unfortunately, they believe they can do whatever they please. (gotta love motion sensor cams). It does ZERO parenting and he takes full advantage. Don't blame him, he's terrific and one hell of a person.

Retirement is amazing. Never did I think all those years of hard work would result in such wonderful days. Really happy I chose the career path I did.

Got my miles, of to enjoy the delightful day!

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