
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 2204

Done and DONE!

Ok, made it through the mass yesterday. Like I said, I was upset Stoney went over my head, but impressed he took the ball and ran with it. He showed spunk. Unfortunately, he got played by Its groupies. THEY did the readings, the idiot with the "but I wrote..." AGAIN read that bullshit: "She was such a ray of light, an optimist (optimists kill themselves?) who loved the beach (and got skin cancer) who taught religion (after 4 abortions, and neglecting her household responsibilities, only to come home and verbally abuse her husband), who cared for the elderly (while-again-neglecting her household, leaving PILES of crap everywhere)....." TOTAL bullshit. Really fooled SOME of the people ALL of the time.

Best of all, Its mole in AA. So much for "what you hear here, let it stay here." So much for not taking inventories. MY peeps tell me ITS peeps tried to reign them into a smear discussion about me! Lovely! THIS is a ray of light?????????? Who leaves behind a legacy of CRAP all over the house. Nice way to end.

I'm here, I'm ok. Stoney? The boy's a stud.

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