
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 2179

Here comes the sun!

Literally and figuratively!!!!!

Called Pedrito. I got a message from peps that Bitch tried calling, twice. It simply CANNOT grasp that Its calls are not accepted on my line, they're redirected to my peps. If the call is worthy, I'm notified. So, It tried calling, no messages, wonder what bill It owes NOW? What destruction has It enacted NOW?

So, re: Pedrito. Did some fact checking. Remember the "you never visited your brother?" His automatic response "you came every day." When It claimed to have had lunch/dinner with him last week, a couple of weeks ago, he said she never did. His comment "she kinda makes things up doesn't she?" My response "she does the best she can." That will ALWAYS be my response. It sucks that It insists on using me as a toilet, but that's ok. I know, God knows, and Pedrito knows wassup. And even if no one else did, I do.

Bitch is miserable, owes too much. Here's a secret: STOP SPENDING. Get your shit together.

Really??? What would YOU think if you inherited not one but 2 VERY used cars?

What would YOU think if you got so many tickets, you can't even bring yourself to court to face your court date (REAL sober behavior?).

And Pedrito REALLY loved: "you need to buy me a fridge and a couch and an oven and........" His response to that "does she break things on purpose?" My answer, "no, It's just a shipwreck who insists on destroying everything. He REALLY couldn't wrap his head around Bitch's need to get into the garage. Again, I explained, you can't expect logic from a person such as this.

Fuck it, I ran I'm good, the sun's out.

Live, laugh, love!!!!!

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