
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 2187

Results positive!

The crowd reacted well to the speech yesterday. Glad I'd been invited.

They asked a very salient question: remember when I was in the den making calls to set up sales appointments? Remember Sybil SCREAMING that I should make my calls from the park? The audience couldn't understand why ANYONE would be so abusive. My answer: neither can I.

Life would be SO much easier if people SHUTTHEFUCKUP if they hadn't anything positive to contribute. But Sybil seems to think It has license to say whatever, whenever. No boundaries, no filter. It is what it is.

Got my miles this am, again, with my "make believe friends." Had a terrific am, leading to a terrific day.

Really a positive meeting. Glad I went.

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