
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Run, check!!!

Did the Pat LaFontaine 1m. A.K.A. my excuse to get him to sign something-my yearly mission. This year, a hockey puck. Remember when Anita contacted me to go to the Islander's game-where they gave (thanks to Rick DiPietro) a hotdog, drink, and hockey puck to all fans? Of course, the Rican in me thought: "perfect!" So, brought the puck with me for him to sign.

Prerace shook his hand, the fucking guy remembered me. Even without the beard!

After, when I presented him with the puck-ever the gentleman-he thanked me for coming out. I, of course, responded with "my yearly signature" (did it AGAIN!!! Remember I did that to Stephen Colbert? Why do I have a mental block with the word "autograph???"). He responded "you must have 8 of these already." Fucking guy remembered! And that was when I had the beard. You've no idea how many don't recognize me.

Had fun!!!

Then, drive-by @ Toxichouse, showered, then back to my REAL home-Manhattan.

Tomorrow, bright and early, the Manhattan Run.

***pix below.

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