
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 1154


Never thought I'd experience that, but then again........Thank God It's Monday indeed! Away from Sybil. Away from the Lemonsucker/Stoney. Miserable friggin' teenager. Sucks to live as I do, but the options are few.

Yesterday was a hot mess. Truly. BUT, typically Alley Pond. One of our Ocean to Sound team members didn't show for their leg, Lenny-of all people-tried doing back to back legs, got lost, d.n.f'd. Oh well. The beauty is: no one freaked. This is REAL Alley Pond. Hey, we showed up. AND best of all, Lenny apologized for fucking up. God bless him.

My take on it:  

1)he was always a Strider, he finally joined for real. Since he was qith Quantum, he was still a Strider. His apologizing for going off course, AFTER volunteering to run the second leg (in effect, trying to run a half marathon rather than 6 miles), proves he's truly a Strider.

2)It just doesn't matter. My favorite line from Meatballs. True isn't it? We knew we wouldn't place, and it really didn't matter. We were there. And where was Quantum?????

Of course, I get back to Toxichouse, Sybil messed with my stuff, again. Typical. Great sobriety there.

This am, Pilates then Spin. Felt good. Need rest badly, but where???????

***AND, proof of the "Thank GOD It's Monday" thing, hadda change my cell #, again. And why? Sybil's psycho texts. Amazing, Truly amazing.

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