
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 1113


If things worked out the way It wanted, everything would hinge on the feeling of the moment. All was calm yesterday. Stoney actually spoke, indicating a shirt he bought with the gift certificate I got him @ the local slacker skater store. I asked if he wanted a longboard, he gave a nondescript answer. As in: why bother saving for something, much rather spend spend spend. Moron. So, instead of applying it to a longboard, he got 2 t-shirts. Dumbass.

But, we digress. It comes in, intending to bbq, notices, no sauce. Now take a moment, let this sink in. Does It ever make a shopping list? Check to see what's in the fridge? No. Remember the other day, freaked because It'd boiled franks, without checking for mustard. So, back to our story. FREAKS out, explaining Its usual tired line "we have to do something." My answer, "to what???" It wanted a seperation. I, of course, wished It well, and asked when It was leaving. Answer "I have a son to raise" (right), and my response "and I have a mortgage to pay." All this because It didn't check to see if It had what It needed. Moron. Ten minutes later, asked if I wanted any chicken or a hot dog. Really, you canNOT make this stuff up.

So, this am, got my miles. Felt GREAT!!!!!!!!! After doing Pilates, and Spin, the payoff is evident. AND, timing purrrrrrfect. Manana it's s'posed to rain. No prob, first thing in the am: Pilates and Spin. Works out perfectly!

Everyone needs to run, the world'd be a better place.

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