
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 1110

Intended to do AP and get my miles, but felt I had some 'splainin' to do.

Anita and I are exactly alike, except she's female...and single......and white...and.....otherwise, EXACTLY alike. Both of us are single parenting teens, and face the same challenges-how to "be there" for your monsters who hate you, and putting you own selfish needs second. Only major dif-she's actually mateless, as opposed to having a 72 pound weight around her neck.

She texted me yesterday asking if I wanted to go to Jones Beach for a concert. I should learn to just say yes. Last 2 instances of her invitation were the Beach Boys, and before that, Bob Seger. Neither of which I would'a got tix for, but with her, it was a blast! How can you NOT like either. Last evening was Loverboy, Journey, and Pat Benatar.

After Thurs, I needed to recenter myself, so I declined. Should'a gone. It didn't rain, the night was beautiful-unless you lives in Suffolk, in which case there was a tornado. Shows you how localized this shit was.

Instead, I passed out @ 8 ish. Needed the rest, but, compared to spending time with a peep? AND, my big thing, back when It was normal, I got concert tix for us, and our friends. Now that It went psycho, and our friends are Its groupies, alot came into focus, i.e. does Ticketmaster sell tix ONLY to me? Did any of Its groupies EVER buy tix for us?

So, Anita lookin' out meant alot.

This am, did a lcoal 5k to physically apologize for being stupid, knowing she'd be there.

Glad I did, but again, shows me what a provincial load of shit Long Island is. Same faces, same people, same bullshit. BUT, I have some really good friends here, so it made the bullshit worth it.

Needed the AP miles, but there's always the work week. Not SUCH a bad thing to NOT run myself ragged (thank you Feldenkrais).

Came home, did the lawn, saw a flick, now I can chill.

How lovely to NOT havta avoid my home. Until THEY come back manana and the drama starts anew. Oh well, a couple'a great days.

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