
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 1060


Right calf REALLY hurts, feels like someone stuck a pen in it. Still, was preregged to do the 5k in Flushing Meadows last night, did it. SUCKED, came in @ 40 mins (for a fucking 5k???), but I regged, I ran/walked/trudged. Fulfilled my committment.

Just wanted to crawl under a rock.

But, sometimes you gotta wait for the miracle, as cliche as it seems. I got in, Stoney got a 1600 on his SAT's!!!!!!! That was the good news. The other news: Sybil was on a major tear. Oh well. Let 'em sweat (we've no a/c. If you pay the electric bill-you'd have a/c. They don't contribute, they get nothing).

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