
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, June 15, 2012

day 1053

Whew!!!!! Ok, between my heart being broken with Stoney's wasted youth, Sybil's being Sybil, and work (thank GOD for my office), had a busy week. Last night, the 5k in EP. My pace was truly shit, but I didn't havta walk. AND, I'm not alone. Except for the usual racing maniacs, the rest of us aren't doing any better either. Must be really nice to have knees. But, I was there, connected with my peeps, feel refocused/centered. They were holding a carnival there, REALLY hurt. Imagine how cool it'd be for Stoney and I to take it in! But no, he's too busy hacking up a lung from smoking weed. Moron. And his mother? Who the HELL knows. He spends all day on his computer, farting around. Some moments of clarity when he goes and shoots hoops with his peeps. What, among other things, slays me: @ almost 17, would YOU be satisfied hitting on First Bank of Dad for a lousy $10 to get munchies with your peeps? Would you not want some independence??? Zero motivation. Sybil? Useless. At least It stayed the HELL outta my way. Pray. This weekend, Father's Day. Pray more.

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