
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

day 1044

the world WOULD be better off if everyone ran!!!!! You DON'T wanna know the b.s. happening here. Suffice to say, these people obviously don't run-and it shows! Really keeps you in perspective, but, their loss. Got my miles in this am, knowing this evening will be labor intensive. We have the bored meeting, then membership bbq. The shit I do, and they know not a thing. This IS as it should be, a truly humble person wouldn't think of telling the labors they provide. "It's my job..." Got my miles in, life is good. I watch Sybil pacing about Toxichouse, spends a solid hour pacing about, acting as though what's being done is of ANY importance. Meanwhile, the hedge clippings are STILL on the ground-from 2 weeks ago. Meanwhile, the basement de-hoarding is STILL not done. Start a ton of shit, finish nothing. Scary. Go for a walk moron!!!!!!!

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