
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, June 2, 2012

day 1040

Surprising!!! Woke up, rain. UGH! Was preregged to do a race I hadn't done-or so I thought. Went for packet pickup yesterday as we were warned race day might be dodgy. Also, pasta dinner was part of it-how bad could it be? It was actually good. Not bad at all! The race was @ MacArthur airport, from whence I went to Little Rock and Myrtle. Bit of a drive, but VERY user friendly. turns out, I HAD done this run before, but didn't matter. Had a blast! Lots of peeps, Curtis made it-that's 2 races in 2 weeks. My usual Long Island peeps were there. Really good. No walk breaks-it IS an airport-flat. TONS of giveaways-walked away with a case of METRX version of Powerbars and vitamins. It was a military themed run, so you KNOW it was heavily sponsored. Between the pasta dinner and the giveaways, couldn't afford NOT to do this one. Also, after too many shit race times, today's didn't totally suck-a self esteem race indeed. Tomorrow's a weird one. Usually do New Hyde Park, but they're resurrecting the Belmont race. THAT'S the good news. The BAD news, it's @ 7:pm. UGH. Oh well, an evening run to get outta Toxichouse. Today, Stoney had his SAT's. Really not highly recommended to smoke the night before, but hey, he's digging his grave.

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