
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, June 14, 2012

day 1052

jeeeeeeeeeeeeez!!!!! Thank GOD I have a great job. Toxichouse was, well....toxic. Stoney, in his room, resembling the scent of Cheech and Chong's next flick. His mother? Who the hell knows. Finally, It drops in, just long enough to spread shoes all over the bedroom, THEN tear me a new one for actually (gasp) entering MY bedroom while It was doing this. Imagine!!!!! Aren't I a beast, actually ENTERING MY BEDROOM. can you possibly imagine that????? It was in truly rare form yesterday. What slays me is HIS mouthing off to It as well. Good. If he addressed me the way he apoke to It, I'd kill him. Did I interfere? HELL no, It has it coming. Tonight 5k in Eisenhower Park. Hook up with my LI peeps. This is one of the "gimme" runs, as in: gotta do.

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