
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, February 25, 2012

day 944

so much for good intentions

Had my "what's become usual" Friday off (too many hours, gotta whittle 'em down). WAS planning a run, then movie, then...who knows, but, was not to be. Woke up, pouring precip...so, plan B. Hit the gym, elliped, then off to Manhattan. First a flick, then off to pick up numbers for this am's run.

Before the flick, Pedrito calls. He's losing it, stir crazy. So hit the flick, got the numbers, back to toxichouse to refuel, then off to Pedrito's. For HIM, glad I went, but for ME, not so much. His wife is a bitch. Perfect for him. But otherwise, a bitch. THIS is why I didn't visit him previously-years ago, I detached when she went NUTS over my reading (casually) a piece of paper on their dining room table. Literally, she bitched about "how dare I..." "invasion of privacy..." IT WAS A PIECE OF PAPER IN PLAIN VIEW (for the record, on which was written their bill for Jose cutting their lawn), like it was some fucking state secret. Goddamned nut job.

So, why did it suck? Again, glad I dropped by for him. But, she is one judgemental twat. Never ever worked, divorced, has a million issues (i.e. when did you last hear of someone who hadda peel garbanzo beans-who the FUCK has the time???It's like peeling m n' m's). We were discussing how whacked Toxichouse is, she utters "why don't you just leave, it's not like you're a presence anyway?" As if she has the right to judge? As if her input was sought? She did the single parent thing, thus obviously can't grasp the need of a male presence in the home.

Amazing. Really amazing.

Thank GOD for running.

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