
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, September 30, 2011

day 796

it's a wrap!

Tough week, enjoying my 3 day weekend.

Found out one of the layoffs is our Rec Therapist. Actually, he's getting bumped, so he'll still have a gig, just not with us. Sucks for both him and the facility. He'll be a loss.

The Line this am, saw the tail end of the usual suspects-since it's my "day off," left Toxichouse 2 hours later than usual.

Did the lawn, tolerated Stoney's shit attitude, now time to chill.

tomorrow: Grete's. A.k.a. regular runner's chance to feel like shit: there's a 1/7 mile run BEFORE the 1/2, so they'll be gone while we'll be finishing up, pretty much,a round lunchtime. Shit. But, gotta do it.

Meanwhile, the bullshit Diva's run is Sunday. Yet another reason tos egregate yourself rather than hook up with peers. Really a crock.

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