
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, September 12, 2011

day 778

in a word: WOW!!!

Last evening, It does a drive-by. In n' out. Bitch. Again, your son needs PARENTS, not a raving Shebitch who does nothing but cause trouble when in house, then disappears with no warning overnight for days.

Spoke with It, during a rare moment of clarity, about Stoney's being in possession of a lighter. Of course, it was useless, indicating it may have been Its lighter. Amazing Stoney's not on crack. (nice way to dodge any responsibility/parenting, yet, will play backseat driver to ANYTHING I do. I.E. Actually had the tits to tell me to fix the screen door-the SAME door I was in the process of repairing when It threw my computer and guitar to the ground. When so informed, It tells me I had it coming. Amazing, truly amazing).

So, in conjunction with a parent who is terminally m.i.a., in addition to this same parent doing absolutely NO parenting, in addition to this self same individual berating the responsible parent, It actually has the balls to do an in and out. REALLY adding chaos to a confusing situation.

Me? I was THRILLED, and told It so. A peaceful day, a peaceful weekend, and got to suss out the marijuana situation with Stoney.

He hit on First Bank of Dad, so used that as an opportunity to have The Talk. He finally copped to the fact that he was partaking with his peeps, I of course told him if he gets arrested he's fucked. If he indulges in harder substances, he's fucked. And that with both parents having a history of addiction, he's predisposed and needs to watch his ass. I couldn't let him take me for a sucker, using the funding I provide to bankroll his smoking. Thank GOD Shebitch wasn't home, totally useless twat.

Then, (yay!!!) HBO night. Got to hang with Stoney and watch the series finals/season finales of our fave shows. What a GREAT night.

This am, after a great night's sleep, got my run on. Then, headed homwe for a shower and to drive Stoney to school.


WAY cool.

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