
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

day 788

sometimes you win

Woke up, raining. SHIT. With the 1m saturday, don't wanna slack off now. Prob is: from this am on, showers off and on. Just enough to destroy any planning. Fortunately, it's "passing showers," so, when I hit the job, it was ok. YESSS!!!!! Apparently, my Dim Sum peeps disagreed. Didn't see 'em, but the other usual suspects were out. Nice.

Yesterday, as expected, Shebitch did the driveby. Just enough to fuck up everything. Any thanks for playing Mr.Mom? Any thanks for taking care of the house? Of course not. Immediately launches into "where does he get THAT from" referring to some character trait. And you wonder why I call It what I call It. Not a fucking word of gratitude.

And of course, Stoney got his fucking video game. Wonderful. Something ELSE to keep him from walking the dog or hitting the gym.

But today I ran, thus, life is good. I can meet the day head on.

***Today, dog and poney show. Queens Symposium (???!!! could we possibly think more of ourselves???) is giving an award to my retired boss. Apparently it's the thing to do: give an award to someone who's been gone 3 months. Amazing. Fucking amazing. Drink the kool aid, the Emperor's clothes rock!!!

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