
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

day 37

...speaking of "internal sabotage"

back to Toxichouse yesterday pm, knowing It wasn't in-more tests. Took Keith to see Halloween 2, GREAT flick, blood, more blood, what's not to love?

It returns @ 8:30, lobsters in tow, cooked 'em, after yet another rage filled scream-a-thon. Now imagine, while the rest of the world is chilling after dinner, mid evening, this beast charges into the place to cook lobster @ this hour-irrespective of what's happening within the four walls. (and It decries Its need for a "stress free environment").

Screaming ensues, I should take Keith clothes shopping...I should________I should______Funny, I AM apparently a single parent. While It does as It pleases (remember that Social Security check??? apparently it's for lobster) I'm supposed to do everything else. Screaming about my salary (apparently it's $$$ the state freely gives with no expectation of anything in return), more screaming "my friends think you_______," @ that point I quit, started retorting: "your friends are gullible, believe whatever they're told, may kiss my butt unless they pay my bills, are amqazing judgemental considering their ognorance, and deserve your fate." Figured that summed it all up n'est pas? And yes, Keith Was present throughout. However, there comes a time when you MUST respond otherwise you're the orifice from whence he came (gotta remember that line, good one eh wot?).

Middle of the night, It must return to the e.r. Low potassium. Why it shared this with me I haven't a clue.

Yes, this IS a, now, 7 year nightmare.

Thank GOD track work tonight.

Track workout was good, HATE the track, but results speak for themselves. Tonight, 6 laps @ 10k, 6 laps @ 5k, laps to warm up n' cool down. Nice.

**Check below, pic of the wedding.

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