
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, July 3, 2008

could'a called that one

It and Keith going to a 4th bbq manana, of course I'm not invited-I'm satan to those "friends."
Good parenting-portray me as.....whatever. Expose the child to his Father's being dragged through the mud. I get points for this somewhere. Bitch.

I should've known better.

Got my St.Francis on, sortof. How, HOW can one human a)talk so much b)have so many questions c)have such an agenda in their heads, and NOT have their heads blow up. Yes folks, I'm talkin' about David the Superjew. Ran into him on The Line and couldn't shake him. Jeez. Sorry, not a Messiah reference there, just exasperation. Never ever knew anyone with so much on their poor minds.

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