
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, May 14, 2012

day 1021

Home sweet home (in more ways than one!) GREAT Mother's Day!!! Volunteered @ the Japan Day run. WAS pissed I couldn't vol AND run the race, but there was wisdom to the nyrr madness. Once you finished reg, you moved to another assignment, and really had fun. Was great to hang with some of the usual nyrr suspects. THEN, headed back, did the lawn (good thing I didn't run), then, of course, dysfunction kicked in. Sybil had to-of course-ditch us in favor of others. So Stoney rode with me to hook up w/Uncle Pete for dinner. Bitch didn't even see to Stoney's food-the dinner was his breakfast. Jeeeez. BUT, let's not let the Useless One spoil our weekend. Had a good time with Pedrito, THEN revelation kicked in. Priest brother wasn't even invited. Turns out, Pedrito's sick of his bullshit. Now, kiddies, what have I been telling you all along? Self involved yuppiePriest. Pedrito was finally pushed over the edge when he did the math, and discovered Priest had visited 3x when he was in hospital. Really good Priest. Again, self involved useless asshole. I've known this as long as we've been related. FINALLY others do. Being right doesn't help, but since I get zero validation from Sybil, sometimes seeing things as they are is a form of self-validation. AND, of course, It drove off, leaving us to go hang with Its groupies. Happy Mother's Day, right. Today, I ran. Thus, everything fell into place. Really helps you prioritize. Felt GREAT. Normally, Monday would be spin class day, but with rain scheduled for anytime today through Wednesday, gotta get my miles in while I can.

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