
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, May 6, 2012

day 1013

my, how things unfold!!! 5/2/12: went to Bill Lannigan's retirement get together, driving with my old boss. 5/3/12: my Civil Service Anniversary. 5/4/12: announcement FINALLY made, I'm appointed Director. 5/4/12, pm: Albany (a.k.a. HQ) 5k. 5/6/12: Palisades 1/2 Marathon. How cool was that????? How was my time today? Immaterial (SUCKED, but the course was all hills), I finished, got my medal, wasn't last. Nice. Unfortunately they had us wait 45 minutes for the busses to take us to the start, totally destroyed my back. Not really very good for my time to be running all hills with an aching back, but, I finished and had fun!

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