
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, May 27, 2012

day 1034

Beat the alternatives! Woke up, what do I find in the bathroom garbage? A Q-tip with weed residue. FUCK. Of course, when I called Sybil It didn't pick up Its phone. FUCK. Single parenting SUCKS! Did the Long Beach 10m. First 8 were in the RAIN!!!! STILL preferable to spending one more fucking second with Stoney or Sybil. Fed up with both. What slays me is: he has the disrespect to leave evidence in MY house!!!!!!! And It? useless, totally useless. In a week Stoney has the SAT's. Fat fucking chance it'll do him any good! I've never felt so totally alone. I get home, with Sybil present, confront him. His response? He refers to testifying against me for the allegations Sybil put in his head. Great. Can't wait 'til he gets arrested.

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