
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, May 18, 2012

day 1025

Strange, not sure whether "good strange" or "bad strange." No run this am, no exercise. Gotta bank the cals for manana's half. Strange to do nothing. Really shows me how stabilizing my groove is. Feel like a fish outta water. Yesterday, Stoney hangin' w/a peep, room REEKS!!! This sort of stuff absolutely kills me. And Sybil? Useless in these matters. Absolutely slays me. Do what I can... Signed off on the refi papers, sending them in. Felt GREAT. As though the weight of the world is off my shoulders. Problem is: why do I have to do EVERYTHING? I expect it on the job, but on the home front it would be amazing to get some help. So, manana, Brooklyn Half. Split between driving in or mta. Dunno. We'll see. Then Sun, my yearly "I do it 'cause it's a Queens thing" run-Forest Park. ALWAYS falls after either Long Island or another long run, so I'm ALWAYS hurting and slow. Still, I'm there (catch that QuantumBrickshit?). Can't just talk the talk. Gotta represent the borough!!!!!

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