
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, September 30, 2011

day 796

it's a wrap!

Tough week, enjoying my 3 day weekend.

Found out one of the layoffs is our Rec Therapist. Actually, he's getting bumped, so he'll still have a gig, just not with us. Sucks for both him and the facility. He'll be a loss.

The Line this am, saw the tail end of the usual suspects-since it's my "day off," left Toxichouse 2 hours later than usual.

Did the lawn, tolerated Stoney's shit attitude, now time to chill.

tomorrow: Grete's. A.k.a. regular runner's chance to feel like shit: there's a 1/7 mile run BEFORE the 1/2, so they'll be gone while we'll be finishing up, pretty much,a round lunchtime. Shit. But, gotta do it.

Meanwhile, the bullshit Diva's run is Sunday. Yet another reason tos egregate yourself rather than hook up with peers. Really a crock.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

this just in

(things that make me feel bad-and there are few)

Coworker filling in some paperwork to get reimbursed for expenses, because "I have a child going to college."

THAT makes me ache.

If Shebitch helped with the bills we could do that. But, how can you go to college if you don't even have heat in winter???????

When you know how good things COULD be, it makes how things ARE that much more painful.

Sure, lots don't go to college. And if I hadn't have gone, would things be any different? Dunno.

God grant me the serenity.......................

day 795


Misting as I left the house, didn't deter me. I woke up to a shitload of ants on the kitchen floor-Shebitch was home all day/do the math-so needless to say, a lil' rain wasn't gonna do me in.

Hit The Line, did ok until.....unTIL the turnaround. THEN it started fucking raining. Only one Dim Sum peep out-the rest were smart. JUST as I was-literally-cursing God, it stopped, hmmmmm.

Now: there ARE the times which try men's souls. Layoffs announced yesterday. These are the situations which show who's a leader and who isn't.

Hey, got my miles in, I'm teflon baby!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

day 794

missed it by thiiiiiis much!

This threat of rain jive is a pain, but, we adapt.

Leave Toxichouse not knowing if I'll get my run in, success! Made it! Got my miles in, now nothing seems all THAT bad.

Tried going home yesterday, walked into a shitstorm. Shebitch was there, crap EVERYWHERE. I'm talkin' EVERYWHERE. Stoney sitting in the midst of it on his laptop. Turns out, he stayed home from school-itchy throat. Great environment ain't it?

So, into this scene from Hoarders I went, for a second. It had been sitting in the back, so its chair was still in the yard, crap all over the living room, crap all over the bed in which it never sleeps. Amazing. Crap literally EVERYWHERE.

I stayed for all of 30 seconds, went to see Killer Elite. Not bad, much better than being @ Toxichouse.

Just as the previews started, phone call. Albany. When Albany calls, you answer. Big conference call this am re: layoffs. THESE are the times that try mens' souls.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

day 793

they're back!

My Dim Sum peeps must've done the NYRR 18m tune up, I figured that because they weren't on The Line yesterday, so, must've been giving the muscles a chance to repair (they're normal).

This am they were back. I'm approaching the hill before St.Francis, I see 2 lights coming toward me (they use forehead lights). Good. Everyone that should'a been there was there.

And again, we beat the rain! ;)

Monday, September 26, 2011

day 792

...so much for that!!!

Was s'posed to rain for days, wassup wit' dat? We had nothing. Worked out really well. Got my run in this am, back to The Line, Ahhhhhhh.

Knees a little achy, but I'll live.

Really happy we did Ocean to Sound. One of those things you join a club for. Very proud of our group.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

day 791


Ocean to Sound is always a long day, but well worth it. Normal people prep for such a day, let alone a race, by taking a day off. That's normal people. Instead, after doing the 1m, then a 5k in the same afternoon, I was wiped. But, if you lived where I did, you'd do the same.

Anita and I clicked about that. Her neighbors make her crazy, my son's mother is a twat. We both seek solace through races. Not a bad thing.

So, met brotherfromanothermother @ The Parkhouse, saw the Renegades, headed to Jones beach, did the race. What fun! I had leg 2-good. With the threat of rain, and/or humidididity, good to have a lead leg-and flat (mostly). Did ok, nothing to write home about, but no walk breaks. Again, after 2 races the day previous, nice.

It's really a day to be social, while hangin' with your peeps. Amazing how quickly the time goes! This despite really humid 80 deg heat, sun, running hard, and needing a shower bad. But being a team is what it's all about-which is why Quantum was-again-nowhere to be found.

Then, back to Toxichouse to do the lawn. Rain @ that point seemed appealing.

A good weekend, thanks guys!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

day 790

the adventure continues!

Still reeling from hangin' with the Commissioner Thursday! Who'd a thunk a guy with a ZZ Top/Osama beard and a tasmanian devil tie, let alone 7 earrings, would be escorting the head of an agency around, way cool! What hurt: not one fucking mention of my hard work when Verruso got his award. We give an award to someone retired 3 months, and the fucker hasn't the gratitude to thank his right hand? Nice.

Today should prove interesting. Rain predicted off and on. WAS tempted to wear my rain running shoes, but with Ocean to Sound tomorrow, don't wanna hurt my knees.

On the sched (dependent on rain) am: 1m on Fifth ave, pm 5k in Perth Amboy. We'll see.

More to follow.

So, a really great day!!!

The Fifth Ave Mile: Met Tom, hung, bonded. Who pops up, Deb! Yay!!! Went to the port-o-san, Andie/Fran/Andie's Coach! Cool!!! (pix below)

Did ok, headed out in a corral 2 behind mine, wanted to hit Penn Station in plenty of time to hit Jersey. Passed Joe after 400m, he was taking pix. What fun! (previously, in the corral, bonded with another "older" runner. Told him "we're not older, we're "broken in.")

Hit Penn way early, hit Modells, got my running shoes at a deep discount, then an emplyoee hands me a $5 off card. Wow, what a day.

Anita was running late, after paying $23 for a round trip ticket, I wasn't gonna wait, be late, the do a 1m walk. For THAT train fare I was doin' the 5k. So when she called, told her I'd meet her @ the race site.

This was a Komen run, so surprisingly, the day of race fee was the same as prereg. The beauty of a Mayberry race. Perth Amboy is a slum, like a Hispanic Hempstead, but the race area, along the waterfront is, curiously, like the Hamptons.

Did ok, nothing to be thrilled about, but this was an endurance run. Also, after not eating, REALLY an endurance run. Met Anita @ the finish, we caught up, hung with her friend Alan, then headed back. On the way texted my peep from College, I invited him to Joe Walsh. When I wouldn't accept $$$, he invited me to Gov't Mule.

A truly great day.

Got home in time (8pm). Of course, Stoney hit on First Bank of Dad. Shebitch? Nowhere to be found. Kid all alone all day, zero parenting. Dif between when the Bitch is home and not @ home? Zero. Never a presence, other than when It goes mental.

...so it goes...

Friday, September 23, 2011

day 789

good timing!

Trying to make the most of my time, not easy with rain predicted for the next 2 days. BUT, got my run in! Good. Miles, check.

Before, hit the donut shop to get Stoney breakfast, left it on his place. He likes it, I take pleasure in providing for him, and he thus eats by proxy. Yet ANOTHER thing shebitch never does.

Now it gets dicey, rain off n' on for the next 2 days, dayum!

S'posed to do the NYRR 1m with brotherfromanothermother, and hang a bit with Andie. BUT, if it rains, all bets off. THEN, possibly, head to Pert Amboy for a 5k in the pm.

All dependent on the weather.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

day 788

sometimes you win

Woke up, raining. SHIT. With the 1m saturday, don't wanna slack off now. Prob is: from this am on, showers off and on. Just enough to destroy any planning. Fortunately, it's "passing showers," so, when I hit the job, it was ok. YESSS!!!!! Apparently, my Dim Sum peeps disagreed. Didn't see 'em, but the other usual suspects were out. Nice.

Yesterday, as expected, Shebitch did the driveby. Just enough to fuck up everything. Any thanks for playing Mr.Mom? Any thanks for taking care of the house? Of course not. Immediately launches into "where does he get THAT from" referring to some character trait. And you wonder why I call It what I call It. Not a fucking word of gratitude.

And of course, Stoney got his fucking video game. Wonderful. Something ELSE to keep him from walking the dog or hitting the gym.

But today I ran, thus, life is good. I can meet the day head on.

***Today, dog and poney show. Queens Symposium (???!!! could we possibly think more of ourselves???) is giving an award to my retired boss. Apparently it's the thing to do: give an award to someone who's been gone 3 months. Amazing. Fucking amazing. Drink the kool aid, the Emperor's clothes rock!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

day 787

...so complicated!

ok, knew it was gonna happen. Shebitch blackmailed Stoney. He hadda walk the dog, do the dishes, and vacuum, or no Gears of War. Of course, he waited a)'til last night and b)for me to blow up. I came home, the sink was FULL, as in: you couldn't even use the faucet. At that point I went off, telling him I go to the job, hurry up my usually enjoyable run, to double back to pick up his breakfast, and HE can't even leave a BIT of room in the sink????? Let alone actually wash a dish???? I was ROYALLY pissed. Spoiled lazy fuck. And remember, if I don't give him $5, Shebitch will allow him to go without, pleading poverty-meanwhile-can buy him the latest video game. And again, no, we won't have heat this winter.

But, I DID get my run in. (from the "things no one knows and def don't appreciate" collection). Get up extra early to get my run in so I can attend to Stoney. Does he give a fuck? Does Shebitch? Does It EVER do what I do?

If I were to do differently, I wouldn't be me. I WAS tempted to ignore him, and leave him alone to walk to school. But, I told him I'd give him a lift-and with that comes breakfast. (was also tempted to get his breakfast, let the scent permeate the house, and feed it to Hulk, then leave-but that would've been cruel).

God, you know what I do. 'nuff said.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

day 786

keep on truckin'

Another good day. Albany didn't shit when I told them about my (this WILL be bad) run in, not surprising, there was nothing to freak over. However, this points to the need for credibility. If I'd have fucked up, I'd have admitted it. Clearly this wasn't on me. Thankfully. Was actually nice giving my weekly telephone report. Usually the time drags, this one lasted 30 mins and flew. Nice.

Stoney tells me Shebitch is buying him the latest video game. Good for him, bad for life and all things right. Bitch can afford to blow bucks on that, yet I guarantee we'll have no heat this winter, again.

Though I adore driving him to school and picking up his breakfast, it WAS nice to have the illusion of "me time" on my run this am. Though I'm never too far from him-was preoccupied with "will the idiot remember to pack the um-br-ella (eh eh eh ah). He never does, then comes home SOAKED.

Now, again, let that earlier factoid sink in. Shebitch buying an $80 video game, but if I forget (and I rarely do) to give him lunch money, he goes without. Give that a good long time to ruminate. But I'm abusive eh???

...thank GOD for running.

Monday, September 19, 2011

day 785


Ok, so it was weird enough to have a pedestrian run into a vehicle I was driving, balanced with hangin' with brotherfromanothermother. Ok, so far so what? Then, hung with brotherfromanothermother yesterday, attempted to run with him.......a good weekend, odd, but good.

Ok, then it turns out Shebitch will be away for ANOTHER week. FUCK!!!!! Now, that was the bad news. The good news? Shebitch will be away for ANOTHER week. Good/bad. Yin/Yang. Not too bad running a rehab, not too bad running a house. BOTH?=Tough. What Shebitch doesn't realize is the crap it takes for granted, who does It think keeps things together? It's like fighting a war on 2 fronts.

THEN, who does a drive by? Right. Calls Stoney, tells him to help bring in groceries. Amazing. Friggin' amazing. At least it provided groceries.

Don't even mention total disruption of the family unit. What a shipwreck!!!

So, obviously, St.Francis this am. Sweatshirt for the first 3 miles, then topless. Felt GREAT.

WAS weird not to see the Dim Sum peeps. first day in a long time they didn't show. One peep who does the return loop with 'em asked if I'd seen them. Could they have taken a day off?

Was REALLY a lovely morning for a run, but, miss my "me" time. THIS is something Shebitch will never understand: when you have a child to care for, you HAVE no life. So, get up extra early, do my run, then hurry home to get him breakfast and drive him to school (LOVE picking up his scrambled egg/bacon/cheese on a roll, he's eating by proxy).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

day 784

so far so what?

Got a call from brotherfromanothermother. We run in streaks it seems. He was headed to AP for the refreshment run. (we really DO think alike). There were a few local races, one in Bethpage, another big one in NYC, but 5k's. What's really the point? And, after doing 4m yesterday, needed the miles, or so I thought.

Dunno why, but people can't take what you say @ face value. I.E. peeps think I'm better than I am. I run, a.k.a. "trudge." Tom did ok keeping my pace (his slow is my race) but with a mile to go, he hadda bust out.

Last night, as Stoney asks Shebtich if I was coming to dinner, of course It said "no." Nice isn't it. Really gives you that warm feeling inside.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

day 783


Was GREAT to hang with brotherfromanothermother. We both did the NYRR Race in CP this am. THAT was cool. did well, nothing to write home about, but ok.

Then, it hit the fan.

Trying to get outta nyc was a friggin' nightmare, but WAS doing ok until....some shmuck on her cellphone walked into my vehicle. Great, just what I need. Hadda wait for NYPD to do a Police report, the idiot made it out like I ran into her-never a good thing. I told the cop it a)was before the pedestrian crosswalk b)against the light (for her) and c)she was on a cellphone. Fuck me.

Got home, Stoney tells me Shebitch was taking him out to dinner. Now let that sink in. The cubbard's bare, but It takes him out to dinner.


Friday, September 16, 2011

day 782

A full week!!!!!

Shebitch has been away for 7 days. GOD IS GOOD!!!!!

How lovely to experience what youze guyz experience: going to work, coming home, NOT avoiding your home but actually enjoying your time there. Best of all, hangin' with my son. Of course he's being a typical teen: dour, moody, worse than a bitch pms'ing, but THAT'S what teens do! Kills me that he's smoking pot, but I can only do so much.

(also funny, how it professes its love for Hulk, yet doesn't think twice of leaving for days on end) (funnier STILL that the bullshit which rationalized Its being a waitress continues: "I need the flexible hours to raise our son." It hasn't done a fucking thing!!!!! Ditched him to go to the beach, comes in this week here and there to drop off frozen pizza. Fucking useless.)

So, this am, St.Francis. Lovely morning, one of the usual suspects hadda remark @ the temps-53 degs. Delightful!!!!!

Then hurried home to pick up breakfast for Stoney then drive him to school. Nice.

Pity the bitch is coming home (3 more days of peace though).

Thursday, September 15, 2011

day 781

THAT was weird!!!!!

Up extra early for The Big Day. Hit the job, tied up some loose ends (THIS @ 4:30am mind you), then off to The Line. Got my miles in, with my arm all chewed up, and then off to the gym to shower/reapply the dressing on my abrasions, then off to NYC.

The Big Day!!! First Director's meeting!!!

Was odd to havta wear a tie, so, compromised, wore a Tazmanian Devil tie heeee heeeee. Fucking suits repulse me. The meeting was divided into upstate and downstate, joined by webcam.

I did well. The prob: "Acting Director." But we shall see.

Then off to NYRR for my # and bib for Sat, then home.

Quite a busy day ;).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

day 780


Shebitch takes Stoney for a haircut, then disappears again. Good. ANOTHER peaceful evening @ home. Thank you GOD. Needed it. Was EXHAUSTED. Tons of crap going down @ work, cleaned house/many discharges. Worse yet, NONE of the staff are capable of making a decision. Thus, everything-of course-gets dumped into my lap. Not a bad thing, this IS, after all, why I get the big bucks. Yet, it DOES enable the shit outta them.

This am, vicious attack by asphalt, again. Tripped. Dif is: this time I didn't fracture my elbow. Whew!!!! AND, finished my run-got me them there miles!!!!!

Hadda RUN, not TRUDGE, as I had a big date: driving Stoney to school. LOVE that!!!!! AND, stopped @ the donut shop to pick up breakfast. :)

GREAT morning, but painful (you KNOW you have a boo-boo when the cashier @ 7-11 offers you a band aid).

Still, a terrific morning, loooove being with my boy!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

suck it up, buttercup

yes, being an on again/off again single parent is tough. What exacerbates it is: you never know what role you must play on any given day. THAT'S really rough. Fortunately, the way the job works gave me practice: i.e. A half-time director, working 2 facilities=you're the acting director 1/2 the time, and need to know when to take charge and when to pull back.

What slays me, absolutely KILLS me, is It shows NO appreciation. Case in point: Stoney and I broke up the fallen tree. It actually expects me to wait forever to see if one of Its peeps wants the wood. Not "nice job on the tree," not "can't believe you guys took care of that." Instead, drones on about how this guy works and only has one day off to ___________. ????? I run a facility, am the SOLE motherfucking breadwinner, have to tolerate Its psychosis, and not even a word of recognition? Yet, praises everyone and anyone ELSE. Ahhh the good wife. Bitch.

day 779

FUCK ME!!!!!

The good news: Shebitch away for a week.

The bad news: see above.

So, who gets to play Mr.Mom again??? Any why? Since It never resigned Itself to working a normal job, It does these bullshit gigs-i.e.caring for old people. Nothing with a regular check or benefits, nothing with regular hours. Same as the bullshit waitressing gig. Never giving a thought to the disruption this causes the family, if you gave the least thought to your responsibilities. Instead, behave as a teenager "I need the money." And remember, when addressing Hulk, gushing forth about how It loves the dog, yet never ever walks him, nor cares for him in any way-yet-will tell me where to dispose of the dog poop.

The good news: no drama. Get to chill @ MY house. Lovely, but @ a high cost.

Unfortunately, Stoney's sick. Come in from my run and shower, numerous messages on my phone, asking if he can stay home. FUCK. What's worse than a teenager on the loose???? A teenager @ home all day. SHIT.

So, needless to say, got my run on. Thank you god, needed it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

day 778

in a word: WOW!!!

Last evening, It does a drive-by. In n' out. Bitch. Again, your son needs PARENTS, not a raving Shebitch who does nothing but cause trouble when in house, then disappears with no warning overnight for days.

Spoke with It, during a rare moment of clarity, about Stoney's being in possession of a lighter. Of course, it was useless, indicating it may have been Its lighter. Amazing Stoney's not on crack. (nice way to dodge any responsibility/parenting, yet, will play backseat driver to ANYTHING I do. I.E. Actually had the tits to tell me to fix the screen door-the SAME door I was in the process of repairing when It threw my computer and guitar to the ground. When so informed, It tells me I had it coming. Amazing, truly amazing).

So, in conjunction with a parent who is terminally m.i.a., in addition to this same parent doing absolutely NO parenting, in addition to this self same individual berating the responsible parent, It actually has the balls to do an in and out. REALLY adding chaos to a confusing situation.

Me? I was THRILLED, and told It so. A peaceful day, a peaceful weekend, and got to suss out the marijuana situation with Stoney.

He hit on First Bank of Dad, so used that as an opportunity to have The Talk. He finally copped to the fact that he was partaking with his peeps, I of course told him if he gets arrested he's fucked. If he indulges in harder substances, he's fucked. And that with both parents having a history of addiction, he's predisposed and needs to watch his ass. I couldn't let him take me for a sucker, using the funding I provide to bankroll his smoking. Thank GOD Shebitch wasn't home, totally useless twat.

Then, (yay!!!) HBO night. Got to hang with Stoney and watch the series finals/season finales of our fave shows. What a GREAT night.

This am, after a great night's sleep, got my run on. Then, headed homwe for a shower and to drive Stoney to school.


WAY cool.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

day 777

10 years later

did my morning run, logged my miles, good.

Wanted to head into nyc, but with a ZZ Top beard, today's not the day for it.

10 years ago, on a golf course upstate, gps went out, hit The Clubhouse, in time to see the second place hit. Wow.

Always reaffirmed my belief that we have now. Not tomorrow, not an hour from now, but right fucking now.

Also, reaffirmed my conviction that though you have loved ones, one person goes into the box. Sad, but true. Also, always had a knack for separating the important from bullshit; what mattered vs. crap. This isn't always a good thing, as you must suffer fools as a consequence.

Since then, seeing a blue sky on a crisp morning brings out ptsd like symptoms.

But, that was then.

Last evening, Shebitch did a drive-by. Explained It was housesitting for some old fucks who can't tend for themselves. Nice. Take care of others, but not a word to your flesh and blood.

Last night, as a consequence, quiet, peaceful.

..though I AM royally pissed Stoney won't come clean about possessing a lighter.

***Ed Lehman, you live in my heart.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

day 776

The streak lives!!!!!

Actually got back to back days of no rain, amazing!!!!!

Hit The Line again this am. Couple'a 5k's today, but nahhh, need the miles.

Amazing seeing-in daylight-what hell the hurricane hath wrought. Sooo many trees down. You can get a good idea when you see daylight where previously the trees had provided a canopy. Also, TONS of sawdust from the chainsaws.

Couple of the peeps there early, I finish as they start-too warm later in the day.

Shebitch mental, again. And where was it last night? Asked Stoney if he knew where his mother was? Amazing. Just takes off-not an unwelcome thing, but a son should know where his housing for 9 months went.

Friday, September 9, 2011

day 775


YAY!!!!! Got my run back!

FINALLY, a morning without rain. Just to be sure, held off (I'm off today) until a bit later than usual (actually ran AFTER sunrise, imagine that!!!).

The line was clear, save for one tree fallen near St.Francis, where you could detour to the street. Niiiiice.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

day 774

all week, REALLY?????

Monday: rain

Tuesday: rain

Wednesday: rain

Thursday: rain.


Now, don't get me wrong, nice to have a break, but a couple of days ok, ALL WEEK???

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

day 773

two days no run makes Johnny weird(er)

This goddamned rain is a nuisance. That's the bad news, not being able to run (rain running blows). The good news: after the 14.2 miler, then 5m, really need the break. So, not a bad thing for the bod. Also, with the aftermath of the hurricane, at least I know when I hit The line, it'll be clear.

But, my head needs the run.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer Highlights

really a crap summer, not good, but managed fun anyway:

-5/14: ICS Reunion, my son meets my students, wow. Proud of each and every one of them.
-5/29: Ducks Game: Stoney and The Peeps.
-6/4: Nissequogue Sunset Run: Who'd'a thunk HERE'S where I'd bump into Mike Taylor???
-6/16: Police Chase in Flushing Meadows: Delightfully surprised The Peeps showed. How lovely!!!
-6/26: Governor's Island 10k: my modeling career takes off, @ a race I didn't really wanna do!
-8/7: Curtis's Brooklyn Bridge Run, great guy, fun race, and The Peeps were there!
-8/18: Cheap Trick in Brooklyn: the wettest wait, the best 30 minutes!!!
-9/3: Pat LaFontaine run, great guy who gives back!
-9/4: The Manhattan Run: makes my summer!!!

In the midst of all this crap, The Boss retired, I'm made "Acting Director" (no more $$$, lots more aggravation, without knowing if I'm the chosen candidate???!!!).

...and still long for the days when the clubs were together, a la the Queens Grand Prix days. Now, everyone does their own thing. Sad. THIS is what effects me.

day 772

Rain rain go aWAY!!!

Jeeeeeeez! This HAS to have been the rainiEST season! Woke up, it's raining again. SHIT. Yet, not an entirely bad thing. After doing 14.2 Sunday and 5 yesterday, need a rest. Now "rest" is a relative term, I MAY run later, or do the spin class, dunno.

Yesterday evening, Stoney declined. Damn. When I was his age, I'd JUMP @ the chance to go an ywhere, do anything. I offered dinner and a flick, nah. Jeeez. So, went solo. Decent flick, Shark Night 3d-typical summer bullshit. But fun.

Then, the fun started. Shebitch comes home, can't find anything for Stoney. Of course nothing happens if not at the last minute, so It's ripping out Its hair trying to find socks that match etc...Now, you know what the palce looks like, a scene from Hoarders. Everything's all over the floor. And of course, I'm interrogated re: "have you seen..." The night before Back to School, and we're running around like maniacs. No back to school shopping, no organization...pitiful. Good lesson for a child. No anticipation re: going back to school, rather, mental behavior.

Monday, September 5, 2011

day 771

Not TOO bad!

Did the Long Beach 5m today, pic below. Did ok. Ran the first 4, then hadda take walk breaks when I was within 1200 metres of the finish. Dayum!!!!! BUT, how many normal people run 14.2, then 5m the next day??? Nice side note: who did I bump into? Alessa. Really, once a Strider, always a Strider. She was wearing her AP jacket, made it a point to tell me to send her love to the peeps. Bump into her @ the oddest places/times-not that long ago @ the Police Appreciation 5k, last year @ the Ocean to Sound. God bless her.

Good thing too, from this pm on, rain for a couple'a days. Good chance to rest/crosstrain.

Hopefully, see Shark Night with Stoney later. Of course, he's sound asleep.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

day 770

...seemed like a good idea @ the time

Got up early for today's run. Since the gathering is in Battery Park, hadda get up WAY early. This year was smart, parked in the muni garage. With 9/11 coming, street parking is a bitch (of course, after I went to the garage, passed a spot on the street. Oh well). I was there on time, forgetting it's a Curtis event, meaning, everything's a TAD off, so hadda wait about 30 mins.

KNEW doing the tree yesterday was an error(multiple walk breaks-as in 90seconds running/30 seconds walking, after mile 12), but with rain predicted manana pm, hadda. Did well today. it's a training run, not a race, so could afford to chill.

Lots of usual suspects NOT there: loud announcement guy, few Islanders, though Massapequa was there. Brotherfromanothermother wasn't, didn't make the scene, no Quantum peeps. Oh well, I was there.

And, as usual, cool giveaways!

Back home, cleaned up the rest of the tree mess.

KNOW I'll pay for this tomorrow, but after running the Island of Manhattan, a 5m pales by comparison.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

day 769

HELLUVA day!!!

Sometimes, SOMEtimes, things work out. Kind'a like the golf shot that keeps you coming back, this would be the day that keeps you hopeful.

Did the Pat LaFontaine run this am, just a mile. The day before running the island of Manhattan, don't wanna do much. What a nice guy. This race is my excuse to get him to autograph my bib, @ this point he recognizes me (hard not to). What a gentleman. Hands like meathooks as well!!! Got some good pics with him!!! REALLY love how the "Queens Village" in the bib came out in the pic!

Then home to cut up the fallen tree. Was dreading this, but dis it with Stoney, and had a blast!!!!! Realy father/son shit. Got the goggles, gloves, the whole 9. Then did a "dine n' dash" move to lose the big parts of the tree. Really a great day.

KNOW I'm gonna hate myself manana, my back is already killing me, but I'd have it no other way!

Friday, September 2, 2011

day 768

after the boys of summer........

so here it is, the last hurrah of this season. Good. Tough season it's been.

Boss retired, Doc retires, Hurricane, Stoney being a teenager. Let's turn this page!!!

Got my run in, again, sorta. Did 86th ave. STILL some trees down on The Line. Oh well, with Sunday's run, I'll have my weekly miles.

Brothefromanothermother called yesterday. Homey ain't been right since he got hitched. All his focus is on their house, not a bad thing, I'm envious. Be nice to come home to enjoy the fruits of your labors, rather than check the day's damage/sabotage. But this doesn't change his being out of sorts. Sucks for him. I knew things were weird when he spoke of doubting his ability to do The Marathon. Might actually defer until next year. Wow.

Again, another Friday off-at this rate I'll work a 4 day week until next year. Caught a limited release flick in Manhattan, had a blast, after my run. Came back, got my bib for manana (annual "have Pat LaFontaine sign my bib" race), did the lawn in preparation of cutting the fallen tree to pieces manana with Stoney.

And of course, lest we miss a day's dysfunction, Shebitch had stolen some of my running stuff. Why, dunno. Sick bitch. What slays me: It hangs in the backyard getting MORE melanoma (you'd THINK a cancer survivor would avoid the sun), yet, doesn't loift a finger-doesn't pick up dogshit, litters everywhere. Just can't be bothered being invested in tis home.

Thank GOD for running.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

day 767


(Thursdays are the new Fridays)

And now, with this lag pay bullshit, looks like I'll be adding MORE Fridays. Currently I'm doing a 4 day week through the end of Oct. Thanks Gov!!!!!

REALLY itching to get back to The Line, but latest buzz was that they were clearing it, not that it was clearED. So, another day of 86th ave. Tried using it as a speed (stop laughing) run.

One more episode of Rescue Me. I'll miss it. REALLY glad they know what they're doing: msot finales are 2-3 hours of crap that could be boiled down to an hour. Rescue Me=the series was an hour per episode, so will the finale. Nice.