
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, August 29, 2011

day 764


Good to be flexible.

Re: Irene. LOTS of stuff. Electricity off, then on, thank God not for too long off. @ one point, Stoney and I in the vehicle, driving around to find a hotel-hey, it WAS Sunday night, which is HBO night. No room at any Inn, so, dropped him off @ a friends house, and I headed home. 20 minutes later, power. Too late for Boardwalk, but cool for everything else. Whew!!!

Frankly, got lucky. The storm could'a been alot worse. Tree DID fall, but away from the house. One broken window, one broken gate. Not bad.

This am, actually tried The Line, but WAY too many fallen trees. Hadda make do with 86th. Hey, The Streak continues!!!!!

(REALLY weird seeing dark 7-11's).

...though seeing Edgar on his stoop, a la "typical Puerto-Rican in the hood during a blackout," was too funny!

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