
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

day 745


I could(almost)get used to this!

Peace and quiet on the homefront, exactly what normal people work for. Unfortunately, comes @ a cost-missing my son. He makes all the crap worth it.

Almost broke the streak, but no, we're ok. Last night, rain. Never a good thing. But that alone isn't a prob. As long as you know you're in a safe environment, no biggie. Rain + psychobitch=hell. So, with half the equation gone, no biggie. Caught a flick (welfare Tuesdays @ the multiplex), then home. Stopped before the flick to check on Hulk.

By the time I got home after the movie, the rain had pretty much ceased. To the point that the Mets game wasn't postponed. Nice.

Thus, woke, up, outta bed (yes, hadda convince myself that now was NOT the time to be a slacker, though sleeping in WAS tempting). Laced 'em up, out to The Line. YAY!!!!!

Life is good.

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