
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, August 1, 2011

day 736

missed it by THIS much!

Good news: 5 minutes better than last year!!!!! Checked my numbers of the Queens half vs. last year. Last year: 2:22, this year, 2:17. YAY!!!!! I don't suck as much!

Shebitch out all day yesterday, Stoney totally alone. Nice summer eh? When It comes home "did you put a nail in my tire?" It got (another) flat. My answer "why would I waste a nail?" Bitch. Doesn't life a fucking finger all weekend.

And, back to the Queens Half, Warwick was there too! Gave him a "welcome back to Queens" greeting (as I passed him).

The black girl who runs with the Dim Sum peeps was impressed that I ran/trudged the day after Queens. With my times, not really impressive at all. If I rested properly I'd do well. It ain't about speed (obviously).

Actually left Toxichouse 30 minutes later than usual (True Blood), was tempted to rest...but.....

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