
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, August 15, 2011

day 750


Still smarting from the wannabe NYPD bringing Stoney home, exacerbated by Shebitch evading any parenting, THEN It's out ALL DAY Sunday-from am to 9pm. You'd THINK the bitch would do SOME parenting, but alas, that's why Dr.Evil is here.

As if that wasn't crappy enough, RAIN prevents a run the next am. SHIT. And no, ellip wouldn't cut it. So, bounced off the walls all day, while attempting to enjoy the house-upside of Shebitch being totally evasive of any parenting. So, took Stoney to the movies. THAT'S where things started improving.

Someone pulled a fire alarm, hadda evac, so we saw the movie AND got passes to another. Cool!!!!! THEN, this am, the rains stopped long enough for me to get my miles in!!!!! Yay!!!!!

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