
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, August 28, 2011

day 763

lions and tiger and bears!!!!!

Ok, awoke @ 4:40, exactly one minute before the power went out. Ok, kind'a to be expected.

Odd, everything on Broadway dark, even the doughnut shop...but...BUT...7-11!!!!!!!!!!! Never fails. Their credit card machine wasn't working, but all else ok. Yay!!!

Getting to the job was tricky, easier than a blizzard, but tricky. Took the L.I.E. knowing the Northern State floods instantly, and with commerce (trucking) relying on the L.I.E, it'd be functional.

On Rt.107, lots of trees down, got onto the expressway, few driving. @ one point, doing 55, vehicle was stopped by a deeeep laaaaarge flood zone. I'm talkin' it was like the vehicle had a giant hand grab it and stop it. Wow. I was shaking for two minutes.

Got to the job, a psycho appeared to do the morning meeting!!! You know he was nuts as a)he was wearing a hospital bracelet and b)he walked to get here.

Laced 'em up, went for a run, for the SOLE reason of saying I did it. Fool that I am.

Called the house, tree fell in the back, fortunately, away from the house, whew!!!

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