
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

day 143

D Day.

Amazing how one can revert to type. The gym is no longer the gym, but a safe haven, a refuge, a hiding place where I cannot be emotionally abused. It is what it is.

Since the week before Halloween (49 days for those who count)the house has been a home, has been clean, emotionally nurturing, with nary a harsh word uttered. No screaming, no threats of lawyers, no psychotic breaks. Lovely. The kind of place you WANT to be in, not be AWAY from. To0day, all this changes.

Last night It called, had the balls to ask if I got an oil contract. Bear in mind, It receives a disability check, to white currently $1600 resides in its bank account. AND, best of all, It asks Stoney which video games he wants for Christmas. Take a moment, ponder with incredulity. That's right, It pleads poverty, supposedly lacks $5 daily to give him for lunch money, yet spends profligately. Amazing. Come back to Toxichouse yesterday evening, Chinese food. Don't go shopping, do this instead. A fucking child.

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