
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, April 30, 2009


another week for the books. I'm off tomorrow-sign up for the nyc half-or try to-online starts @ noon.

Went to the LI Marathon expo. What a clusterfuck. You needed your #, you weren't told to bring the confirmation e mail, the long @ the problem desk was 30 mins. Surreally fucked. Fran Kraus and I waited, and waited, and waited. Typical Long Island. In years past, the names were on a board when you entered, or they handed you a circular with the names printed. Unbelievable.

But...wait for the miracle. Get squared away, Mike Polansky calls me over-the man IS a pro. Has a deal: join GLIRC and he'll join AP. Done, handed him the bucks then and there. Nice. Bless him. Saw Dominic too.

St.Francis this am, manana off. REALLY off, no ellipin, no nothin'. Reg for the NYC half-try to at least, then US Open training in the evening.

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