
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, April 19, 2009

optimism pays

ok, heard forecast for esta manana: cold/rainy. We'll see. Prepped the light Asics for today's 4m.

Woke up, dry. Still, leave as if...

Perfect parking spot, take pre race sleep (if you get there as early as I do, it's WAY beyond nap). Wake up, check the start, nap.

So far so good, check the health fair, snag a free t shirt-G help us all-can't resist a freebie! Head to the start.

NO PROBLEM!!! Made it through with no big whoop! Biggest prob was too many fucking people. This wasn't a capped race as it was for charity, so too many goddamned people in the wrong fucking corrals (sensing some hostility here???). But, it's all good. The lack of distance (it WAS after all only a 4m), was evened out by the challenge level of the course-this IS Central Park after all.

How'd I do? I didn't totally suck, still 50% ish. One of 5 Striders, me in the middle (don't go there).

And STILL no rain.

DO miss my peeps. Glad it didn't rain on refreshment day. Also miss The Line. 4m in CP=6.5 on The Line, just as yesterday's 5k course =6.5 on The Line. So my legs THINK they did St.Francis, but my head knows otherwise.

***went to see The Audition...exactly...a film no one has heard of, but an AMAZING work. Documentary re: tryouts for the Met. I could give less than a shit about opera, but this is way beyond that. Delves to the heart of human emotion, our hopes and dreams. True to life, one of the winners dies a year later after a long fight with cancer. Really something.

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