
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, April 10, 2009

here we go

STILL waiting for the boss to hit me with the eval...like waiting for a cyst to erupt. The killer part, when I mention the shit he wrote to coworkers-without mentioning who it's about, they look quizzically-as in "how can he write this crap?" Really hurts.

And Sunday, Easter, they leave for vacation. Get it right kiddies, Monday I go to get our taxes done, for which I'll have to pay over $1,300 for money IT receives, and they leave for vacation-purposefully excluding me. Go Jesus.

Thank God for the 10k manana. Gave Andie her number n' bib, went in yesterday to pick up the stuff. Gonna rain like a motherfucker. So what. THAT should be the least of my probs.

This sucks.

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