
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, April 9, 2009


it was the best of times, it was the worst of times/good news-bad news...

It's THAT time of year again, yes, the boss turns into a dick. Again. In other words, time for my eval. What exactly crawled up his ass and died, I have no clue. You'd think he'd reward hard work, but no. This year's eval's topic is "moves too fast..." never saw me run did he? Also, "staff report..." pain in the ass, since when do you listen to the grousing of malcontents??? Fuck 'em. I know I do the right thing, and that's all that matters. What hurts is seeing people who toot their own horns getting props, but it's ok. I know and you know.

St.Francis, shorts, sweatshirt, gloves. Manana, upper 40's in the am, rain in the pm. Probably take manana off, but who knows. They leave Easter early, so I'm REALLY down. Sucks. Religion teacher splitting the so called family on Easter of all days. Go Jesus.

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