
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, December 30, 2011

day 887

It's HERE!!!

The big day. As if seeing Gov't Mule wasn't cool enough, seeing it with BAKEOFF!!!!! Amazing that we're both still alive, let alone professionals and healthy! God bless our parents.

...speaking of which: last evening, Stoney out with his peeps, Bitch out with Its friends. Ahhhhh, lovely family we have ain't it? And you wonder how I press on? I tried everything you can think of (remember last year's Christmas debacle with the X-Box Kinnect? TRIED to do something to bring everyone together. Was told to return it. STILL hurts. And whenever I tried anything, it was met with shit. So, fuck 'em.) Just give $$$ and S.T.F.U. I understand my role.

So, after freezing various body parts yesterday morning, this am? 41 degs. YES!!!!! Sweatshirt and shorts. How great was THAT? To top it off, New Year's eve is predicted to be about 40. Thanks God!

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