
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

day 865


A quiet evening!!! Shebitch spent the night out. THANK YOU GOD!!!!! Peace prevailed. Funny, with It out, all of a sudden Stoney was semi-social, or at least as social as a teenager gets. Of course he had an agenda-it was POURING and he needed a lift to the gym. I was more than happy to do so. And yes, drove him to school, though I DIDN'T do my usual: stop @ the deli to get him a hot breakfast. He has bagels and english muffins in the fridge. Let him see the dif between Shebitch and I. Also, before leaving, who-again-wreaks Its destruction? Yes, Shebitch clogged the toilet. Good. Let him see who does what.

The downside? Hadda hurry my run. Not a bad thing. Good for my time-turned it into a tempo run. Let's face it: I run for sanity AND health, not for speed. So, hurried my run-though DID get my full mileage, then headed back to drive Stoney.

Tonight, CHEAP TRICK!!!!! GREAT venue-The Paramount, amazing band!

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