
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, December 4, 2011

day 861


Made it through the weekend-barely.

Stoney went psycho yesterday, did the "angry teenager with misdirected anger" thing. We ended up verbally duking it out, me="you can't speak to a parent that way, you must have respect," him: "you don't have to call me an asshole or say 'fuck you'." I was literally @ my wits end. And of course, Shebitch didn't help @ all, blaming, among other things, my pulling him outta religion for his behavior. Notice, not doing anything to redirect him, but blaming me. Lovely.

Now, here's the killer. The part that REALLY hurts. It went into the hospital, twice. Who made EVERYTHING right @ home, perfectly clean, all bills paid????? Who does not a goddamned thing, even going so far as to sabotage every effort? Yet, who gets a hug, kiss, and an "I love you" when It abandons the home yet again for 20 + hours????? Amazing. I get totally shit on. Thank GOD I run.

Thank GOD today there was a run in CP. REALLY needed t get away from it all. BUT, REALLY had ZERO motivation. It was a chore, but once I got there, everything fell into place. Met a peep from The Line, another from various races. We spent the day, caught lunch and a movie after.

Thanks God, really needed it. Home sucks.

***Cool pix below!

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