
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

day 884


Thank GOD Pret texted me yesterday. Was feeling absolutely awful. After a shit Christmas, was feeling really low. That, and the underlying anxiety over the job, not good. BUT, worst case: it's another day after all-only an arbitrarily assigned set of hours.

So, with rain predicted this pm into tonight, running will be my companion throughout. Thank you GOD. The weather won't interrupt my pursuit of sanity (note: "pursuit," not "maintenance.")

Doing ok.

...still... Stoney treating me like a villain really stings. He'll never understand I foresook personal happiness to assure he didn't grow up in a broken home (and Angela feels the need to lecture ME about committment???). People will never understand.

But you do. Thanks.

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