
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, December 17, 2011

day 874

Yesterday was a dream until.......

(true, you CAN'T go home again!!!)

The video shoot was a howl! Still pix then video. My role: had the choice of either teacher or doctor. Of course I chose teacher, and of course, hadda be coached re: use of hands (guitar players are like fish outta water without an instrument). No problem w/comfort in front of the cameras, did well. I'll know the result by Monday.

Then, went to see Cook County. In a word: WOW. About meth. Not one good thing about it.

Then, hit Goodwill for hidden treasures, always find something cool.

Unfortunately, then, home. Stoney and 3 peeps sitting on the couch, room REEKED of pot. SHIT. And of course, Shebitch is useless in these matters, pretty much giving him carte blanche thinking if it's the worst he does......Bitch don't realize it starts with pot and.........

And, of course, it did a drive by. This fri-sun m.i.a. weekends are getting to be a drag. Bitch tends for some old people, ok, we all gotta work, but if you remember, first it was waitressing to all the freedom to tend to our son-then another bullshit story-then another.....Any excuse not to grow up and get a real job. it blows in, creates a storm, then blows out. I'm tempted to ask him if he's got any smoke left.

So, what to do? Can't ground him, he barely gets off the couch as it is. And you KNOW It will buy him whatever he wants. So, other than lunch $$$, he's cut off. At least I know my $$$ won't contribute to his delinquency.

Tonight Deb's Christmas party. My oldest friend.

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