
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

day 492

here we go again!!!

Fucking rain!!! This eve through tomorrow pm. Damn. WAS on a roll there.

St.Francis + Kissena this am, 10+. 46 degs, really nice. Sweatshirt (could'a done with plain long sleeve) and shorts.

The killer is: today through tomorrow, temps approaching 60, but, RAIN. FUCK!!! No fair.

Shebitch? Stoney texts me, asking for me to bring home some...what's the word...FOOD??? Of course, prior to going m.i.a. It left the fridge bare (yet continually reminds ME of my parental responsibilities). Turns out he didn't go to school, sick. So, at that point I reply "whatever you want." Poor fuck is all alone, sick, fridge empty. No sooner does he inhale what I brought home, guess what walks in??? It was with a sick friend. Yes, you read that right. Ignore your son, don't go foodshopping (for which the gov gives you a disability check), don't heat the home, but tend to a sick friend. Amazing. And above all, remember, I'm Satan.

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