
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, November 8, 2010

day 470

so, after spending the night out, FINALLY home. last night's drama was typical. In The Big One, something always goes horribly wrong.

My time? Better than last year-easy, since last year's last 6 miles was excruciating. Walked/hobbled. This year, with the spectre of my knee going last year, was taking it easy. Did ok. Would'a been nice to break 5, but I'll take what I can. DID beat Jared (fucking dumbass), AL Roker, and the miner. THAT made me feel good. Ran/walked the last 2 in with Laughlin and John. HE should be proud, his first, started late-the wave behind mine-if you can believe that-and still caught up.

Was odd flying solo @ Ft.Wadsworth, really miss brotherfromanothermother, but he knows that. DID, somehow, manage to pass the time quickly. Odd, we ALL say the waiting is the worst. Running the damned thing is easier than camping.

IT WAS FREEZING. Even with the blankets and hazmat suit, but still, the time passed. 4 bagels, a powerbar and a coffee later (during which time actually managed to sleep), we were called. STILL couldn't believe I was in that wave-had no business there, but the alternative was to give an accurate predicted time and be with the walkers (FUCK!!!). So, off we went. Longas, underarmour top under the singlet, gloves, Strider baseball hat, Dunkin Donuts knit cap.

WHAT fun, pure fun. On the way to the start, asked a volunteer "which way to Queens?," got a laugh. Was smart enough to dodge the flying clothes-runners casting off throwaways-a sight unto itself. Best line: when going thru the Bronx, a runner asked the borough's motto, NYPD Officer answered "Welcome to the Bronx, hide your wallet."

45,000 people FUCK!!!!!

YMCA/Strider/AM Lockerroom peep was @ mile 14, just as he said he'd be (his wife also has cancer), actually spotted me, I turned and waved. Nice. Striders in LIC, almost missed my handoff, I doubled back and DP ran toward me with it. Thanks again guys! GREAT to see youze. Odd, DIDN'T see Andrea @ 20, but then again, tough to spot anyone. Actually bumped into The Dentist in Manhattan during the last 5 miles.

Leg/knee held, but I didn't. Ran/walked the last 3. Ran into Laughlin and John, they were dead too. STILL, was glad I did what I did. Last 800 metres, really slowed to let the CP spectators wash over me. Wow.

Cattle after, channeled through a narrow chute toward baggage. THAT sucks. So many exits to The park, why they do this is a mystery.

Back to the Museum of Natural History. A good thing I ended up with NHP. They parked on 82nd, closer to the finish. Runner's Edge parks near Lincoln Center, almost 20 blocks away.

So, were loaded, ready to pull away, sccccrrrrrape. Bus scraped an NYPD Officer's private vehicle. FUCK. Instead of leaving @ 5:40, 7:33. FUCK that, spent the night at the flavor of the night's apartment on CPW. Thanks!!!

Woke up, off to CP, back to the scene of the crime. My yearly thing. Checked The marathon Store, the jacket I liked: $150. Sorry, unless it comes with a videocamera and a hooker, no thanks. Friggin' prices were insane. Hung with Pret, then home.


Would I do anything differently? No.

Thanks peeps, when the home front couldn't give a fuck, you were there.

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