
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

day 472

almost can make it down the stairs pain free...almost.

Actually deceived myself into thinking I might be able to go for a jog this am. That's right, not a run but a jog. Sluggish, easy movement, lil' faster than a walk. But no. Still achy. Might chillax 'til manana.

Signed up for the race on Sunday. It's on the T.O.B. golf course, nice way to break back into the running scene.

BEAUTIFUL morning too, hate to waste it, but permanent injury sucks too.

****Post marathon memories: too many signs w/"Toenails are overrated," and Hank meeting me, shaking my hand upon reentering CP @ Columbus Circle, breaking my balls/almost pulling me out for not wearing a bib. Asshole.

*******And yes, got my Dunkin' Donuts knit cap. They learned: had LOTS more people giving them out, last year it was like a feeding frenzy. On the Verrazano, a French runner and his peeps was collecting the cast-offs and putting them in a bag, "souvenirs." Dunno if I'd wanna keep one someone wore, or carry a bagful for 26 more miles. Glad I got one though! (orange too, not pink)

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