
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

day 471

aftermath/a.k.a. "back into a pumpkin."

Always blows my mind how, the next day-or hours after even, we return to our "normal" selves. Looking back, you wonder if it was all real. Your pain answers that question for you, but you DO wonder. VERY anticlimactic.

Did my usual, the morning after, head back into NYC. Glad I did. Checked out The Marathon Store, $150 for a jacket????? Before, they were $60-$90. $150 is fucking ridiculous. Pity, I liked them, not THAT much though. Then, hung with Pret, then finally home.

Odd to have to take a day off. Feels completely against one's nature, but when you can't even make it down the stairs without wincing, gotta take the time to heal.

REALLY glad I got my peeps. The next day is always tough, like the day after Christmas. But everyone's in good spirits. Everyone I bumped into was glad, pleasantly content. All agreed the corrals AFTER the run are silly, why not use all the CP exits, but, fuck it. We know this when we go in.

The ONE sore spot, STILL long for support on the home front. Knowing they don't give a fuck hurts deeply.

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