
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

day 482


Didn't plan to, but did the Lynbrook run, a 4m. Was feeling REALLY down, Shebitch was on a bender, so needed something unusual-I'd never done this one. The club had its refreshment run, but was in the mood to isolate in a crowd. Nice idea, but didn't work-despite my best efforts. The usual suspects were there, enabling me to get out of my isolation. Thanks!!! AND, broke 9 minutes, FINALLY. Of course, it WAS a flat course, but then again, it WAS a 4m, not a 5k. Glad I did well. Also, made it a point to stay ahead of the usual slow(er) suspects-they that line up too far ahead, or shoot their load then slow down. Yay!!!!! Now, tomorrow WILL suck, CP, but I did well today.

Funny, I DO get noticed 9tough not to). One peep from Forest Park, another from The Big One, yet another from the Get to the Point. All really nice guys.

The bad news: lost the clicker for the truck, so, hadda go to the job to get the backup. Apparently, in changing, I left it on the bumper, then drove away. Thus, a $25 race fee (day of, not bad actually) plus $125 to replace the clicker. Still, worth every fucking penny. Didn't ever think I'd break 9 again.

Hit The Parkhouse as it was still early (Lynbrook is a hop and a skip, lots of New Hyde Park peeps there), caught the tail end of the refreshment get together. Peeps there think I'm a ghost who slides in and out, but really, I went in to pee, and just do my thing-without letting obstacles get in the way. Saw my green peeps, no Pret. Wonder if Pret runs anymore.

So, last night? The house is freezing and Shebitch is getting debt collectors breaking Its balls over unpaid shit, thus, I get reamed. It owes over $15,9000-that's just what I know about. So, can you imagine??? AND, It keeps spending. Fuck It, I broke 9 minutes. Priceless.

Harry Potter? Eh.

The Next 3 Days? Very good.

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