
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

day 486

Thanksgiving Eve. Dread this one, and Christmas. Yet another excuse for It to act out. Happens every time. This year, the "have you called your brother?" has already started. Of course I answered "no need, you obviously have." And no, I didn't ask if It'd called Its suicided mother, though I WAS tempted. So, currently, slated to join the fam @ Wickers. Odd, sister-in-law doesn't work, hasn't for decades, yet they go to a restaurant for Thanksgiving. Lazy bitch.

Quite a surprise! Expected rain, it didn't materialize!!! Thanks God!!! So, hit The Line again this am. Felt GREAT. Cold-shorts and long sleeves, but not oppressively so.

Things I'm thankful for:

1)Stoney, makes it all worthwhile.

2)Running. Makes everything else make sense. Brings health, friends, travel, everything together. Wonderful.

3)Me. Dunno what I'd do without me.

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