
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

day 479

that really hurt

Not only did Sickbitch steal my birthday card, It cleaned out Its car. Translation: all my stuff It stole was revealed. Among these items: a golf instructional DVD. Why It would be interested in that is anyone's guess. Sick, really sick.

The good news: It, having no job, is over $15,900 in debt. Good. It tried sprinkling Its problems amongst various credit cards, and continued spending. Good. Fuck her.

The Concert? In The Pit. Was killer!!!!!

This am, rain, SHIT. REALLY needed a run, but not to worry. Construction guys were on site predawn, I hadda be with them, so I get a work adjustment. Leave the unit @ 3, go for a run. Temps are supposed to be 'round 60+. NICE!!!!

***Actually got St.Francis in. Time sucked, but actually ran it, no walk breaks.

THAT'S the good news. The bad news: of course, my mind wanders: "hey, do 2-a-days (run in the am and pm,") or, bike in the am, run after work. Gotta remember: The Plan never fails us, we fail The Plan. Stick to what works.

Was actually afraid of taking consecutive days off. Thank GOD the rains topped this am-pretty much @ the exact second my am run would'a ended. Funny. Was mulling over going to Boot Camp tonight instead, but glad I ran. Prob w/Boot Camp: it leaves me with 2 1/2 hours between work and the start of class. HATE that. Better to run :) . Always better to run!!!

Now...tomorrow morning????? Doing the night before and morning after runs is the same as 2-a-days. Gotta think and see how I feel.

bottom line: didn't take 2 days in a row off. YAY!!! No pussy here!

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